Collected Memory at Politikens Forhal

Step into the transformative world of 'Collected Memory' by Mille Kalsmose, where art meets community in a profound exploration of loneliness and belonging. This immersive installation at Media House Politikens Forhal invites you to share your personal experiences, weaving them into a collective tapestry of human connection. Through folded brass and colored newsprint, visitors contribute their stories, archived both physically and digitally on By bridging personal narratives with societal reflection, space is created where individual voices resonate globally, echoing the universal quest for community and understanding.

The exhibition Collected Memory at Politiken's Forhal and at Politiken's light newspaper at (City Town Hall Square) Rådhuspladsen, Nørreport, Vesterport and Hans Knudsens Plads, is publicly accessable from 20th. Aug. to 24th Oct. 2020.

The Individual, The Common, And The Universal United

They emerge as social spaces where visual artist Mille Kalsmose's works exist first and foremost in the encounter with art.

Based on the artist's own personal narrative of loneliness, failure, and powerlessness, 'Collected Memory' relates to relationships in more than one sense, in which the individual, the common, and the universal are united.

'Collected Memory' is partly a physical, interactive exhibition in the Media House Politikens Forhal, which is based on a large-scale installation in brass with folded, colored newsprint. Here, visitors can contribute to the work by sharing their experiences of being alone, loneliness, and the longing to be part of a community on the papers and archive their individual experiences in the collective work. In addition, Politiken's light newspaper at the main squares of the City; City Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen), Vesterport, Nørreport, and Hans Knudsens Plads are all part of the work during the exhibition period. A Politiken employee selects statements from the work every week so that the voice of the individuals gets heard in the public space. The participants' memories and reflections are also included in Politiken's printed newspaper. All statements are stored in the archive and digitized via as a permanent and growing platform for a shared community of individual experiences, globally.

Bridging The Gap Between Art, People, And Society

'Collected Memory' aims to create a platform for and an archive of a community across geography, gender, age, social heritage, etc., and seeks to provide a space and encourage the cultivation of deeper contact with oneself in a community.

Participate By Clicking On The Link Below

“Please share with us a time or situation in which you experienced loneliness (or disconnection with others)”

Please share with us a time or situation in which you experienced loneliness (or disconnection with others)

Ensomhed opstår når man ikke bliver hørt eller set
I felt lonely my first day at school and was sure everything was wrong with me but I reacted as if I felt at home - and soon I forgot about it.
I feel lonely when im surround by many unfamiliar people and I tend to leave unnoticed.
I feel disconnected from others when I always have to be the initiator
I feel loneliness when I am overwhelmed by existential thoughts
I feel alone with my thoughts and problems as I dare not share them with anyone
I feel lonely when I see my friends hanging out om Instagram
I feel lonely new years eve and stress about getting invited to a party
I feel lonely when I Can see my friends are online but don’t answer my text
I feel lonely when I meet my childhood friends and realize I am not a child anymore
I feel lonely when I can’t recognize myself
I feel like I can’t escape my thoughts
I don’t feel safe when I’m by myself
I’m losing control over my body and mind
I’m scared of being alone with my thoughts
It helps when someone understands my trauma
It helps to have someone to talk to
I’m trying to stay calm and not let the anxiety control me
I’m just trying to breathe and tell myself I’m gonna be fine
I’m don't know who I really am
Loneliness means feeling distanced from myself
I feel lonely when no is around… and they never are
I feel lonely when no one wants to play role play with me
I feel lonely without my family
When I feel lonely I know that I am disconnected to what I really am: unconditionally love
Jeg føler mig ensom når nogle jeg kan lide dør
Frygt for gråd hvis jeg skriver videre
Et hul i himlen
Min ensomhed kureres ved en form for samtale med det hindsides
Når man elsker en person, men personen ikke elsker én igen
Jeg føler mig ensom når jeg har forladt min mor på 92 år og ikke er sikker på om jeg ser hende igen
Det er ikke farligt at være alene
I feel lonely when my friends are hanging out on instagram without me
Ensomheden er min egen, men jeg lærer at fylde mig selv med kærlighed
Når jeg lukker mig fra omverden uden grund
Jeg føler mig ensom når jeg ikke er med i fællesskabet
Jeg føler mig ensom når jeg er i skole
I felt lonely when my mom was sick
Jeg har ikke følt mig ensom siden jeg mærkede ægte kærlighed
I am scared of being alone
I feel lonely New Years eve
My teenager don’t need me anymore
I dont feel lonely when I’m out in nowhere Mother Nature
Når hjertet græder
I’m scared of being alone with my thoughts
Udfordringer er livets måde at fortælle dig på du lever
Jeg føler mig ensom når jeg er “baggrundsdamen”
Loneliness always places a higher bid
I feel alone when not recognized by familiar faces
Jeg følte mig ensom under lockdown
Var Lady Macbeth ensom?
Ensomhed er dét at håndtere sit nye liv som pensionist
Når min datter tager hjem til sin mor glæder jeg mig til at være alene, men savner hende helt vildt meget
The harshest loneliness is when the heart reaches out but not being met
I felt lonely when my parents died
Jeg er mest alene når jeg er sammen med mange
I feel lonely when I forget to meet up with my friends for real
Jeg føler mig ensom når det bliver tydeligt at jeg ikke har den samme hudfarve som alle andre
Min mor forsvinder langsomt ind i glemslen
Sorgen er min egen
Mit smil er nogle gange bare en facade
Jeg føler mig ensom når jeg bliver mindet om det
Når jeg er alene kan jeg ikke finde ro
I feel lonely when no one sees me
Når man er ensom lærer man sit sande jeg at kende
Loneliness is a form of art
I feel alone within my family, especially when they don’t get why
Jeg føler mig ensom når ingen vil lege med mig